audio from RADIO SILENCE:

Welcome to the Book of Walks link to songs. Click the link above for a single audio file of the 7 songs from the RADIO SILENCE audiowalk.

more: The Book of Walks is an edited logbook about my guided geo-located audiowalk through the trails of the Lost Pond Sanctuary, a wilded sanctuary space in Brookline, MA. Guided by me, and my dog Puck. It is also the title of an album of original songs I wrote with my friends in the LENNYcollective, in a time I call before*. The songs and sounds of Radio Silence are geo-located along the trails of Lost Pond, and are triggered in our earbuds as we pass through.

The Book of Walks is laid out geographically as a single walk, with reflections and notes from memorable walks taken over the years. To read this book, you don’t need to hear the songs, but if you would like to listen, you can hear the songs or download in the above link.

Proceeds from RADIO SILENCE: Book of Walks go to the vital works of The Children’s Room in Arlington, MA.

What is …

…an audiowalk? It is a walk with a soundtrack.

…a guided audiowalk? When someone leads you on an audiowalk.

…a guided, geo-located audiowalk? When someone leads you on a walk with a soundtrack, and sound starts (in your earbuds) as you pass through specific points along a path, road, or trail. This is facilitated by an app (called you can download on your phone. There is also a link to the geo-location app below.

*the album of 7 songs was recorded in a time I call after.

** “we” refers to me, and the person or people I am guiding.

The full audio track of RADIO SILENCE is at the top of this page. Below are 2 tracks, one from the road in, the other from Lucas’ shrine.