WEAVERY May 2016 live performance and HD Video (11:00)
WEAVERY is a live music and film collaboration with composer Marti Epstein, commissioned by the New Gallery Concert Series.
Marti and Deb began with a prompt from Sarah Bob: BLEND. They talked about the idea of single entities merging into a new form, and then each went off to create something new. Weavery emerged from thinking about threads, each tone being a thread that weaves into one overlapping sound. For Deb, she thought about lines. British Anthropologist Tim Ingold writes about the history of the line, suggesting that lines there are 2 kinds of lines: traces and threads. He goes on to say “traces are formed on the surface; threads are strung through the air.”. The video for Weavery captures and plays with the lines that we see out of the corner of our eye in the sky, the contrails, strung through the air. It’s impossible to describe watching the performers deliver what Marti heard in her head and transcribed in beautiful calligraphy to paper in front of a wall sized video projection of the moving sky.
video stills